Thursday, February 3, 2011

What do we understand by Glass?

All we know is that it is a transparent , hard and brittle solid, used for many bottles or windows.

Do not worry, sugar glass doesn't contain any glass element !

If you’ve ever seen the film Terminator 2 where a actor is thrown through a window - and you’ve wondered “how did they do that?”, Well just sugar and more sugar.

The optical and physical properties of glass make it suitable for construction applications such as flat glass for windows, thermal insulators (glass wool which fills up the space between two walls ) internal glazed partitions, etc

A wide variety of colours may be obtained by addition of dispersed particles, such as soda-lime glass for a colourless glass or iron(II) oxide (FeO) which produce a green shade. To obtain float glass, a combination of metallic oxide ( for colour ), sand and alkali is required.

Source from

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